Who are you looking out for?

Who are you looking out for?

2024 was a wonderful year for many families worldwide. However, some have had unexpected and sometimes tragic circumstances leaving them in a place of need. Who are you looking out for in 2025? Would you consider sponsoring emergency food donations to families in acute need of nutrition for $45/month?

Who we serve:

Many single moms in Brazil often find themselves in vulnerable situations leaving their children without proper meals. This also applies to families facing sudden unemployment. When parents get caught by surprise by a disruption in employment, they often don’t know how to receive support to bridge the time until they can find a paying job again. They and their children go hungry for weeks at a time! It is heartbreaking when children tell us their greatest desire is to fill their stomachs. When parents break down in tears and shame during a conversation because they cannot provide sufficient food for their families.
Food Donation, Looking out for Family Many Children

How your donation gets to the Families:

Feeding Families is a program of Global Gospel Action,  a nonprofit located in Tulsa, OK. Your tax-deductible financial donations to FeedingFamilies.org are sent overseas. Local churches then purchase the food and choose families in need in their community. They then distribute the food packs by visiting people in their homes. All of this happens on a volunteer basis via a network of churches from different denominations. Involving local organizations means that the families in need now also have a place to turn to and someone is willing to follow up with them.

Let’s do it together!

The relief on parents’ faces is stark and children become overjoyed when we carry the food into their house. Who are you looking out for in 2025? You can be part of this! Your donation of $45 enables us to provide one family with the essentials they need for one month. Donate now!

Looking out for families

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